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'National Law News' Category Archives
Record $41M Jury Verdict Awarded to Lawyer for Medical Malpractice Claims
“The jury’s verdict is bittersweet for this wonderful family, which has been devastated by Craig Pierce’s injury and the loss of his ability to function independently and practice law,” Christopher Hurley, a founding partner at Hurley McKenna & Mertz, said in a statement.
Paul Weiss Funds New Litigation Center to Combat Hate-Driven Violence
The new center, designed to bring impact litigation to combat hate-driven violence, is looking to leverage the firm’s litigation power while partnering with civil rights groups.
Idaho Physician Files Federal Lawsuit to Establish Constitutional Right to Medically Necessary Abortion
“The Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade is both wrong as a matter of law and profoundly harmful to the rights and dignity of millions of people,” Stephanie Toti, Executive Director of the Lawyering Project said. “But by its own terms, it does not extend to medically indicated abortions, which continue to be constitutionally […]
Wilson Sonsini Brings 'Agentic AI' to Clients With New Neuron Contracting Module
Agentic AI is one of the latest techniques in the realm of generative AI, making the technology more accurate, explainable and predictable, David Wang, chief innovation officer at Wilson Sonsini, told Legaltech News.